Helen Jensen (Kate Magowan) 1998-1999

First Regular Appearance: 2.2 (#66)  Thursday 3rd September 1998

Last Regular Appearance: 2.75 (#139)  Tuesday 18th May 1999

Duration: EP: 66 - 139  |  SE: 2.2 – 2.75

Position: Teacher / Youth Team Educational Officer (1998-1999)

Last Seen: Taking a permanent holiday from Harchester, having seen Ian exposed and been run over by Luis.

Helen did her teacher training in London, achieving her degree aged 22 and was excited when she landed her first post as Educational Officer to Harchester United's youth team. Her first day in the job is a real education to Helen, as her naivety sees her talked into going down the pub with the boys, and an out-of-control drinking session following. She gets little sympathy from Lynette, who is her landlady at the hostel, and Frank does not believe Helen is the right person for the role so fires her. Helen gets to stay until a replacement is found, but her confidence in controlling a class of mischievous young footballers has been knocked. She can however, spot a troublemaker in Alex Wilkinson.

After Lynette leaves, Helen and Des spend more time together and find they have much in common. When her time at the club comes to an end, it is Des who persuades Frank into giving Helen another chance, and she agrees to stay until the end of the season. While she is fond of Des, Helen is in love with manager Ian Coates, but is hurt when she learns he is very much still with his wife. On Christmas Eve, Helen is upset over Ian and she and the lonely Des end up sleeping together. The two decide it was a mistake and Helen goes to find Ian, catching sight of him having Christmas dinner loved-up with Ingrid and their children!

Helen confronts Ian about neglecting to tell her of his children, but when spun another excuse, she finds it hard to finish with him completely. Helen finds herself in an uncomfortable predicament when Ingrid wants to be her friend, and even worse when Mrs Coates confides in her the deepest troubles she's had with Ian's alcoholism. A chance remark on how Ian takes his coffee first thing in the morning reveals the truth to Ingrid on Helen being her husband's mistress!

When Mica Hocknell falsely accuses Luis of attacking her, Ian gets hold of a voicemail message which clears Luis, only keeps it to himself in order to win back his job as manager. Helen discovers this and is disgusted by Ian's actions. Ian chases Helen straight into the path of Luis's car and she is taken to hospital. There, Helen refuses to let Ian manipulate her again, and sees to it that the truth comes out. After this, Helen packs her bags and leaves Harchester, heading off for a long holiday abroad before deciding her next career move.