Season 2 Episode 13

Episode 77


Sky One Transmission Date:

Tuesday 13th October 1998


Written By

Currently Unknown


Directed By

Currently Unknown


Lynda, Natalie



Alex, Leon



Hari, Youth Team



Julie, Luis




GS: Hari Lal (Sushil Chudasama)  Doctor Weiss (James McCarthy)


Luis has a hangover from his night celebrating his debut, and gets on the wrong side of Coates when he doesn't react well to the 'opposites' training exercise. Hari is worried about how bad Warren's injury is when Alex makes sure he knows how Warren's still in hospital. Natalie wakes up and Sean tells her the baby is fine, but she didn't tell him she was pregnant. Natalie herself is shocked to hear the news. The surgeon, Doctor Weiss shows Frank Warren's X-Ray’s and says it's most likely his cruciate ligament is damaged. In that case, it will be up to a year and a half before Warren will be back to the standard of player he was.


As the youth team train, Alex tells Hari his actions are making the defence look bad, which is doing him no favours still being on trial. Frank goes back into Warren and reassures him they won't know anything for sure until the Arthroscopy has been done. Warren is wise to Frank and believes it's his ligament, and is sure he heard it pop as he went down. Frank continues to hesitate confirming this is true. Warren reminds Frank his contract is up in May next year, and what will happen if he doesn't play by then? Lynda sits with Natalie as she explains she had no idea she was pregnant, and that she really thought Dean was going to kill her. She makes Lynda promise not to tell Dean about the baby, and for she and Sean to not even let him know where she is.


Frank arrives for training and Hari is eager to find out how Warren is doing. Frank tells the lads Warren will need an operation to repair what's wrong and will need their support over the next few months, and Hari is gutted. Sean has arrived for training, but Coates tells him with everything on his mind he needs to relax and get some sleep, and sends him home. Gary Pascoe reminds Alex how in the past they'd 'hold court' for anyone causing trouble like Hari, and Billy gets excited saying they should do it, which is all Alex needs to go with. Natalie tells Lynda there is no way she can have Dean's baby, and doesn't want it. Warren awakes to find Hari standing over him. He has come to see how he is, and to apologise but Warren isn't in the mood to talk, and yells at Hari to get out.


At the hostel, Hari is hauled in front of "Judge Wilkinson" and the rest of the team in the Reck Room being used as their court. Alex tells Hari he is charged with being a crap goalie to which a defiant Hari pleads not guilty. Alex appoints the indulgent Billy as his council, who proudly backs up everything Alex has been saying. As Kelly and Julie make plans to visit Warren in hospital, Luis has ideas for Fletch and himself to pull the canteen girls. As Natalie sleeps, Lynda tells Sean Natalie wants an abortion and she will need them both to help her through this. When nobody steps forward to defend Hari, Billy is appointed once again, only this time pleads insanity due to Hari's delusions that he can be a proper goalie. There is a tie when Leon is amongst those to vote not guilty, and Alex takes it upon himself to announce Hari guilty.


The youth team take Hari to the park, where Alex says he must make his way back to the hostel on his own. This isn't all - Hari must do his punishment naked, and the lads, except Leon, wrestle him to the ground and strip him. Fletch, Kelly, Julie and Luis all loudly enter Warren's hospital room, and hand the presents they've bought (dirty magazines from Fletch obv and a chocolate football). When Hari is pressured to take off his boxers, Alex orders the youth team to chase him to make sure he doesn't escape. He then phones the police to "let them know" about a man streaking in the park. Leon and Billy arrive back at the hostel first, with Leon convinced Alex is dangerous. Des stops them and says Frank wants to see them in his office, and the boys are sure he knows about the money.


At the park's entrance, a smug Alex watches as the police take Hari, with only leafy branches to cover his privates, away. In Frank's office, Billy and Leon are surprised when Frank tells them Howard Wilkinson has selected them for the England Under 19's squad. An angry Warren lashes out at the four for what he sees as them having a good laugh at the "cripple". He reminds them that football is all he has and yells at Doctor Weiss to throw them all out. As they discuss matters in the boardroom, Frank is stunned when Coates suggests they release Warren now instead of waiting for any further recovery. Frank is adamant they can't just throw Warren on the scrapheap, but Ian says this latest setback proves Warren is not going to make it, and it's time he was let go.




·          The Best: Warren’s great offence at the group of four’s hospital visit with presents. To someone he's never met (Luis) calling him a friend, and Fletch who has always treated him like dirt. Clinton Kenyon continues to shine as the volatile and neglected Warren. The behaviour of the youth team is quite dark in this episode, luckily Leon continues to show his decency and isn’t tainted.


Quotes: Warren accusing Fletch and Luis of wanting to impress "the canteen tarts"(!) Julie and Kelly.


·          Continuity: As something that was once pointed out in regards to Stephen Baker’s existence, the (very relevant) nature of Natalie previously having a child (Jessica) seems to have been forgotten by this point.


Additional Info: Frank tells Doctor Weiss Warren is eighteen years old. Frank says he has known Howard Wilkinson for over twenty years.



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