DT Cameos>> Ian Walker



In goal for Tottenham Hotspur when they face Harchester at the Lair for the last game of the 1999-00 season, a pivotal match that could see Harchester relegated. In the dying throes of the game, Walker brings down Billy, is yellow carded and a penalty awarded as the score sits at 2-2. Didier Baptiste steps up, and makes sure Walker doesn't miss, but while there is still time Luis saves the day and sends the ball to the back of the net.


Four seasons later, Ian is back at the Lair in goal for Leicester City, where a 2-0 mid-season win for The Foxes unexpectedly sees Harchester liquidated by Coopers Bank, as the result sees them drop below the warned sixth place in the Premiership.






Appearances in Dream Team






3.62 (#202)  Thursday 18th May 2000

4.1 (#203)  Sunday 1st October 2000