Official Interviews
Press Articles (written) ½ Press Articles (media) ½ Other (DT related)
harchester.net Interview Archive ½ Script Deleted Scenes
See also Colin Parry interview included in Press Articles (written) DT@20 Articles (21/02/17)

10/08/16 ½ Marem Hassler Interview - As sultry Spanish chief exec Pilar, Marem steered the Harchester boardroom through record signings and bankruptcy. Nowadays she's taking the LA film scene by storm, with award-winning projects and epic leading roles.

22/01/16 ½ Neil Newbon Interview - Star of some kick-ass TV and films, plus unmissable in various music videos, Neil is also putting his skills to use in the intriguing world of Performance Capture.

27/10/14 ½ Martin Crewes Interview - As Argentinean Luis Amor Rodriguez, Martin Crewes featured as one of DT's most popular and best remembered characters. Martin's career in acting and performing has also stretched across the globe, with continued success in international tours, stage musicals, TV and film.

15/07/14 ½ Naomi Ryan Interview - An actress with a string of credits on top shows before and since DT, Naomi is making her mark in the world of independant, and international film.

18/03/14 ½ Cheryl Mackie Interview - Cheryl played wife, stepmother and sister in the controversial Boyle family, and now specialises in theatre and stage alongside tutoring kids for further success in performing.

21/02/14 ½ Jo Goldie Interview - Ownership claiment, Player's wife and Chairwoman during HUFC's debt-ridden Season 7, Jo is far away from Donna's antics and wardrobe, now teaching Dance and Drama to high school students.

11/06/13 ½ Craig Robert Young Interview - Since his days as bad boy Alex Wilkinson Craig has broken through to the American market, establishing himself in L.A and building an enormous career in front and behind the camera. With a few other projects along the way.

30/01/13 ½ Tim Smith Interview - Tim made Clyde Connelly a fan favourite before exiting in one of the show's darkest storylines. In the recent years since, he has founded two companies, where he has branched out into writing, directing and producing, alongside teaching students the craft of acting and film making.

08/11/12 ½ Neil Jackson Interview - Since his early role as Chairman Phil Wallis, Neil's career has gone from strength to strength in both television and film and writing.

29/09/12 ½ Nina Muschallik Interview - Nina, as Team co-ordinator/agent Nikki, was the girl everyone would have wanted as a friend. Aside from acting, Nina talked about her sidelines as a wedding hair and make-up artist plus children's acting coach.

09/07/12 ½ Lucinda Rhodes Interview - Formally behind Mrs Stone, Lucinda is making her mark in the production world of film, while continuing to act in some hotly anticipated projects.

30/05/12 ½ Bill Fellows Interview - DT's original father figure in the downtrodden but loveable Des Baker, Bill discusses how it felt to be in the show during it's special early years, and how he's still cropping up on our screens in some big productions.

14/04/12 ½ Darren "Tys" White Interview - Darren as fan favourite Tyson has gone from Defence at HUFC to losing the dreds and working alongside his former DT co-stars with the planet's greatest sports stars.

31/07/11 ½ Daymon Britton Interview - Daymon discusses his Dream Team days as original character and the younger of the Hocknell brothers Sean, plus his extensive career since both in front of and behind the camera.

04/07/11 ½ Philip Brodie Interview - Philip talks about his two seasons as the mighty Vivian "Jaws" Wright, his feelings on the character and its development and the big places his career continues to head.

27/05/11 ½ Jim Alexander Interview - The man behind DT's first regular Goalkeeper Jamie Parker speaks with Dream Team Diehard about days married to Tash, that final scene, and his business today as a performer coach.