Truth or Bare

Sky Magazine (April 2001)

Jim Alexander (Jamie Parker, seasons 4-6) and Angela Saunders (Tash Parker, seasons 4-7) take part in 'Truth or Bare'. Will they dare to answer the questions, or pay the flesh-revealing forfeit? In this interview they will answer some very personal questions and reveal some of their darkest secrets... or will they strip off instead to avoid the questions?

Angela: What's the most drunk you have ever been and tell us about it?
Jim: (whistles and shakes his head) WOW, so many times to choose from! Erm, probably my 18th Birthday with all my mates, I drank 17 pints. I went back home and urinated all over my homework. Then handed it in the next day and told my teacher it was a tea stain. (big grin). When was the last time you had sex and who with?
Angela: (gasps) That's my hat off.
Jim: Already? What's the big secret?
Angela: OK, I'll answer that. It was about 2 weeks ago in my living room.
Jim: Who with?
Angela: You can't keep asking me about it. I've answered the original question?! What's the stupidest thing you have ever done?
Jim: That'll be when I walked around Glastonbury naked.
Angela: Were you sober?
Jim: I was a bit worse for wear but I knew what I was doing. There's a field full of hippies that all walk about starkers and my mate dared me to join in. So I did, seemed like a good idea at the time. Have you ever stolen anything, what was it and where from?
Angela: I once stole a walnut whip from the sweet shop next to my school. I was about 11, but I was so scared that I never did it again. At what age did you lose your virginity and who with?
Jim: It was a week before my 15th birthday with Stephanie Crabtree and it was in her house.
Angela: Stephanie Crabtree! What a name!
Jim: Yeah, it was a memorable experience too! How much do you have in your bank account?
Angela: Erm... minus...
Jim: Yeah right, which bank account for a start? Could you be referring to the Swiss bank account?
Angela: I have a few thousand.
Jim: Be more specific!
Angela: No, I'll pass, its none of your business! (Jim whips off Angela's hat). When was the last time you Blew off and blamed someone else?
Jim: Gotta be when I was at work last week.
Angela: Who did you blame?
Jim: Whoever was sitting next to me at the time. Everyone farts and blames someone else. Its common occurrence on set, isn't it?
Angela: (looking indignant) I don't ever fart!
Jim: When was the last time you gave someone a red card?
Angela: Last November, I dumped a boyfriend and gave him back a diamond ring he had given me.
Jim: Any regrets?
Angela: Only about the diamond ring! What nickname do you have for your privates?
Jim: Have you been watching 'Sex in the City'? There is an episode when some guy calls his knob "Schooner". I like that. An ex-girlfriend used to call mine "The Pac Man".
Angela: I can't begin to fathom out why! Where's the weirdest place you've ever woken up?
Jim: Last week I woke up in the middle of the street surrounded by policemen, One minute I was passed out on my couch, next I'm in the middle of the street and there is two police men telling me that they had received reports of a semi-naked man wondering around peoples' gardens.
Angela: You like to get your kit off in public don't you? I take it you were sleep-walking?
Jim: Yeah, first time ever. It was about 10am so there was plenty of people about to witness my humiliation.
Angela: That must've been quite scary.
Jim: It was but it could have been worse. Luckily I still had my jeans on. The cops gave me a ride home and laughed at me the whole way back.
Angela: And you said "Do you know who I am?"
Jim: Didn't have to, they recognised me. Which celebrity have you met and hate the most?
Angela: Nasty Nick from Big Brother. He was really arrogant and rude and totally lived up to his reputation. Luckily he's no longer a celebrity anyway so I wont be bumping into him again! When was the last time you had sex and where was it?
Jim: (Jim doesn't even attempt to answer and immediately starts to take his jacket off, Angela squeals and pounces on it). What's your favourite swear word?
Angela: That'll be "bastard".
Jim: Why?
Angela: Because my mum'll kill me if I say anything else!
Jim: So its not because you've been out with a few then?
Angela: Yeah, well that too. Have you ever snogged any of the Dream Team cast?
Jim: Yes,
Angela: And?
Jim: Well its my job.
Angela: No, I mean outside of work?
Jim: No.
Angela: Man of many words, aren't you?!
Jim: Have you ever kissed anyone of the same sex?
Angela: Yes actually, but not in a serious way.
Jim: No tongues?
Angela: It, was in a silly girly drunken best mate way.
Jim: That's cool too!
Angela: Have you ever done it in the showers?
Jim: Masturbated?
Angela: No, had sex. But we all know what you associate showers with now.
Jim: Sex, OK, yeah of course.
Angela: Where?
Jim: In my mums shower. God I hope she does not read this! Show me the last text message you received!
Angela: I can't!
Jim: Why not?
Angela: I just can't, I'd rather take off more clothes!
Jim: She's being mysterious, I bet its a message from her aunt!
Angela: Which celebs have you got off with? (Jim doesn't attempt to answer and pulls off his top. Angela shrieks)
Jim: (chuckling to himself) I like this next question.... Do you fancy a snog?
Angela: (sheiks again) Oh No!
Jim: Not even a little one?
Angela: OK, a little one. (she gives him a smacker on the lips). Name everyone you have had sex with.
Jim: No way! Bollocks to that!
Angela: Get your kit off!
Jim: I'll have to take something off rather than answer that or else we would be here for hours!
Angela: Hark at the stud!
Jim: No, its not there that have been so many, its just trying to remember everyone. I've tried before and even written a list. I'll take my shoes off. (Angela helps him out of his trainers).
Angela: Your feet pong! They're stuck to your trainers!
Jim: Have you ever faked it?
Angela: Of course! All girls have to fake it, there are times when its all getting boring and sleep is a better option, I don't know a girl who hasn't. Where is the weirdest place you have wiped a bogey?!
Jim: On a chair in France. It was an experiment to see if it would crystallise in the sun!
Angela: Did it?
Jim: No, it was still too runny!
Angela: What's the crudest sexual term you know?
Jim: Felching!
Angela: And it means.....
Jim: I think you know! Where is the strangest place you have ever had sex?
Angela: No, that's giving away too much! I'll take my shoes off instead! Have you ever lapped danced?
Jim: That sounds saucy! Yeah, a few times. I remember the first time it cost a fortune. We were really pissed and the girls looked fantastic, until I had to back back to film there and the girls are mingers! What's your favourite drug?
Angela: Paracetamol when I am really hung over! Have you ever nicked anything from me?
Jim: Condoms.
Angela: You bastard!
Jim: I did use your toothbrush once too!
Angela: You bastard!
Jim: Who would you like to have a bath with?
Angela: Got to be Brad Pitt!
Jim: But not Jennifer!
Angela: No! Have you ever been arrested?
Jim: Never! Although nearly on a few occasions! How many people have you slept with?
Angela: I am not answering that one. (she pulls off her jeans!) Who was the last person you hit?
Jim: It was a good few years ago, A guy called Martin Hemmings! We were at school playing football and he came over and nicked the ball, I went after him and hit him. He hit me back but at the time I was wearing a brace so when he punched me in my mouth, my lip exploded. It was not a nice sight! Name a real life sexy-footballer?
Angela: Jamie Redknapp, oh yes! Do you fancy me?
Jim: Oh Yes! When was the last time you scored?
Angela: It was about three days ago in a bar and a horrible fat man asked for my number and I said No! YUK! What's your favourite porno film?
Jim: I honestly can't remember the name. I remember there was a lot of sex in it!
Angela: Well that narrows it down! Just get your kit off! (she helps him pull off hit vest). Ooh, haven't you got a hairy chest! - so much testosterone.
Jim: What's your favourite sexual position?
Angela: All of them, Variety is a spice of life!

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