Season 9 Episode 10
Episode 366
Sky One Transmission Date:
Sunday 18th December 2005
Directed By
Maurice Hutchinson

Lynda, Alex

Sully, Kim, Lynda

Oh Ryan. Another affair!

Cindi, Gavin

GS: Marlon Baldon (David Gyasi) Kim Sullivan (Natasha Symms) DI Stanley (Frazer Douglas) Lewis (Ben Mckay)
Cindi is put out that Gavin has been invited to the Christmas party but she hasn't, and Gavin assures her she will attend as his partner. Eugene and Marlon discuss the raid, and Gene says he will use Casper as a witness, as it has to be someone everyone knows isn’t going to lie for him. Eugene asks Ashleigh and Felix if they would join him to help sort things out with Casper. As the group wait for Cass and Gene to begin discussions, Marlon and helper Lewis burst in waving shotguns. A fed up Cindi finds a similar Ryan in the dressing room drinking alone. As everyone at Eugene's has their phones taken, Casper holds one of his behind. Marlon turns on Gene when he tells him he is getting fifty grand, and pointing his gun says he is going to pop him unless he is given the whole lot. When Lewis threatens Felix with the gun, Ashleigh’s reaction makes Casper realise that the two have feelings for each other.
Eugene tells Marlon how he realised the money would change their relationship so he moved it, and Marlon resides that Lewis is going to pop them both. Ryan talks with Cindi on how Christmas isn't his favourite time of the year, and refers to his dad being in witness protection. Cindi shows she would rather be with Ryan than Gavin, and as they make out, Casper gets through to Ryan’s phone. Gavin comes looking for his girlfriend and as Ryan makes a dash into the showers, Gavin walks in where Cindi explains she spilt drink down her. Eugene and Marlon find Lewis has now tied Scarlett up after she arrived home. Scarlett recognises Marlon's voice and the whole robbery is exposed as a fake, with Casper revealing Marlon is Scarlett's brother. Lewis fires his gun to show it is real and loaded. Ryan is listening in on the robbery and sneaks out to get help, as Gavin is busy going down on one knee asking Cindi to marry him.
Eugene has handed over the rest of the money, and when the battery on Ryan's phone dies, Amy re-establishes the connection and it rings out just as Lewis is leaving with his swag. He answers and hears Amy say the police are on their way, taking his fury out on Ashleigh by pointing the gun at her. Casper dives in front to protect her and is shot himself, whilst outside the police order the gunmen to surrender. Gavin and Cindi announce to the Players' Lounge that they are now engaged and are met by an awkward silence, until Liam begins the congratulations. Alex accompanies Lynda to The Barrons where they listen as DI Stanley attempts to speak to the hostage takers. Inside Felix and Ashleigh plead with Eugene and Marlon to do something before Cass bleeds to death. At the now-over party, Chloe confronts Cindi about getting engaged to Gavin after accepting her money to leave him. Cindi fights back, calling Chloe a controlling bitch who has screwed up her own relationship and now wants to wreck everyone else’s.
Casper still finds the energy to taunt Eugene about how Scarlett will never come back to him now, but is getting weaker, to Ashleigh's horror. Felix finds an idea of getting Casper, and themselves out - by pretending Eugene, Marlon and Lewis were all taken hostage alongside them and the men have gone. Felix says Eugene is one of the greatest talents he has seen, but if the truth of what he'd done came out he would never play again. The SO19 team burst in and the cops are told that Marlon and Lewis came to help Scarlett collect her things. Casper is rushed to hospital and when Eugene thanks Felix for helping him is told never to speak to him again unless it's about football. Lynda tells Felix she'd like to burn the million pounds that has caused all of this. At the club the team are told the siege is over and Cass was shot. Liam sees Chloe is distraught and tells him she misses him so much and can't do Christmas alone. Liam tells her she doesn't have to and takes her back. Amy finds Gavin and Cindi making out in the darkened boardroom, and after they leave she turns to see, despite all the other drama of the night, the Christmas tree is at least still standing and smiles.
Lauren Gold is out of the series until 9.19 Just Another Game as Scarlett leaves Eugene to return to London.
Jessica-Jane Clement also leaves the series briefly as she was filming the first series of BBC3's “The Real Hustle”, and was away filming before her reappearance in 9.23 Il Postino.
Best Known For: Natasha Symms, making her debut as the regular Kim Sullivan, played the role of Kate Patrick in “Hollyoaks” between 1997-2000.
Quotes: Eugene (on the money): "Ain't in no bank!" Lynda: "Please don't tell me you have one million pounds cash, sitting in your house?". Cass mocks Ashleigh and Felix’s relationship: "I mean what was it? A loving gaze across a ruptured hamstring?!"
Continuity: As Lynda helps Amy decorate the Christmas tree in the Players' Lounge, she lists the past HUFC Christmas parties she was present for. This would have been 1998-2001 and lists fights, fires, firings and refers to “People being caught in the showers with other people’s husbands” which sounds like Claudia being caught with manager David Spears. Although this was in the physio room and not their famous rendezvous in the showers (5.12 (#240) It's My Party).
Additional Info: Ryan's mother lives in Spain, according to him with her latest toy boy, and he hasn't seen much of her since he was sixteen.
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