Season 9 Episode 28
Episode 384
Sky One Transmission Date:
Sunday 23rd April 2006
Directed By
Marcus D F White

Casper, Duval

Lynda learns the truth


If only Demps had waited for the
whole truth...

Cass cops it
GS: Duval (William Travis) Jimmy [Birdman] (Martin Maynard) Marek (Noel Le Bon)
Flashback two days before the Charlton game. Cass walks back to Ashleigh’s door and hears her tell Ryan he can come out now. Gutted, Casper makes it clear to Duval that he wants Ryan destroyed and sets out how he wants it done: Ryan will try and fix a game and will get caught, resulting in him being banned for life. Before long, Dragonscorp have set up the website ‘Groondsparc’, and Duval is talking to Jimmy, suggesting he use Ryan having been out with his sister to gain Naysmith’s confidence. Duval is not happy with the way Casper is going about things, and reminds Cass that when he bought the club last summer, he promised the games would stop and he would do no more damage to the business. Cass concedes that the plan is off.
After Dempsey drops him, and he confronts Ashleigh on the coach about Ryan, Cass makes his call that the plan is back on, adding these people cannot treat him like this as he owns them. A photographer Cass has set up catches Eugene's mates turn up at the money handover, and Duval arrives at the Valley with the photos. When Casper sees that Eugene is in the photos of the fix, he knows he cannot use them and jeopardise his brother. As Lynda, Amy and Alex discover that Dragonscorp is behind the plot, Alex realises it comes back to him, as the owners put him at the club for a reason. Amy adds that when Felix arrived the first thing he had to do was sign the Rose brothers, and he even got a specific bonus for it. Lynda and Alex question Cass and Eugene on whether they know anything connected with the owner. Duval is rattled by Lynda's persistence, and tells Casper that it would be best if he revealed himself now, as this is damaging not only the club but the team.
Duval takes Lynda out to the stands where she is confused to find Casper waiting for her. There, Casper explains to Lynda how it was the night of the crash that it all came together in his mind. He knew he could pick up the club for virtually nothing and rebuild the team. He hadn't spoken to Eugene for four years, and with the World Cup looming he needed his game, so he hired Felix. Lynda reminds Casper that whoever owns the club has millions of pounds in the bank. Casper picks up a sports bag and pointing out the Velcro strap, tells Lynda his grandfather invented it. His grandfather left him everything on the basis Terry got nothing, as he only married Julie for the money, which Cass's grandfather always knew. It takes Casper to bring up how he can afford to lose ten million pounds when Lynda upset a few Russians over Hector before Lynda starts to be convinced. She then asks how he could be behind everything that's happened with Alex when he's so young, and Casper replies that he can explain the letters…
At his house, Eugene finds a letter he received before signing for the Dragon’s, which reads 'Sign for Harchester, it will be the best move you ever make'. Eugene lets himself into Casper's but his brother is not home. Leaving, Eugene knocks over an envelope and the photos of the fix spill out. Eugene takes the photos to the club where Alex sees them. Casper has invited Ashleigh to dinner and she gets a surprise when he asks her to marry him. Ashleigh's answer is interrupted by Eugene phoning to ask Casper what’s going on with the pictures of Birdman and Ryan in his house. Casper hurriedly tells him to come to his room at the Grange and he'll explain everything. He leaves Ashleigh to make her decision, and the two share one last look before Casper leaves. Alex goes to Lynda and informs her Casper had pictures of the match fixing. Lynda is strangely apprehensive, and suggests it would be best if Alex stopped looking for the owners. Alex is confused, and thinks Lynda doesn't want to help him anymore.
Alex spots Casper entering his room, and Cass opens the door to be pushed back inside by Alex. Alex tells Casper he knows about the photos and wants to know whether Cass knows who the owner is. Knowing he is caught out, Cass takes great pleasure in letting Alex learn that he is the owner. Alex is stunned, and doesn't believe Casper - until Cass shows he knows about how Sheffield Wednesday couldn't afford to send him to Steadman. Alex then spots a letter on the table, written in the owner's handwriting with a jar of ink. Alex tries to come to terms with what he has just learnt, picking up the jar of ink in his hand. Casper won't leave off though, and goads Alex about how nobody else would have had him as manager and he should be thanking him. Alex flips and throws the table over, prompting Casper to grab hold of Alex, and Alex to slam the jar of ink against Casper's head. The jar shatters, with ink covering the two men, and Casper falls to the floor. Alex looks down at Cass and can see he isn't moving, or responding as he calls his name.
Quotes: Casper tells Duval if only Alex knew all he'd done for him, and Duval responds "He'd probably give you a hiding". More than that Duves!
Foreshadowing: Before Alex enters Lynda’s room to inform her of Casper having the fix-pics, she is seen holding her stomach. Cass expecting the knock at his door to be his “Bruv” Eugene, only for it to be the angry Alex. See next episode for more on both of these.
Continuity: We see Lynda’s return to the club and her meeting with Felix from 9.1 Phoenix From The Flames. Casper’s story of his rich grandfather can be traced back to 9.11 War of the Roses, where Terry remarks to Fraser “I have spent the best part of twenty years with that woman. And when her old man snuffs it I’m gonna have my payday because I’ve earned it”. Ashleigh reminds Cass that if they hadn't have ended up working together they never would have seen each other again after the party, to which Casper responds sometimes you just know!
Soundtrack: Arctic Monkeys: "Curtains Close" and "Mardy Bum”, Will Young: "Evergreen"
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