24 February 2017 Terry Glover (James Sutton) character profile added in DT80's Characters. 21 February 2017 In the first of a series of articles DTdh is putting together to mark the 20th anniversary year of DT's launch, we begin with a look back in the month of Football vs. Homophobia at an important, and controversial story from Season 8 Frank Stone and how Dream Team handled the story of a gay footballer. We were thrilled to speak to the man behind Frank, actor Colin Parry for this article. Stay tuned as we continue to celebrate DT's milestone with more articles as the year goes on! 31 January 2017 2.4 [#68] Thursday 10/09/98 review added in Season 2. 23 January 2017 Jonny Fletcher (Rene Zagger) character profile added in DT80's Characters. 15 January 2017 Added a Season 8 promotion image printed in Sneak Magazine in November 2004 in Features Articles (Press). 09 January 2017 Al MacKay (Alex Ferns) character profile added in DT80's Characters. |