DT Locations: University of Harchester



The University of Harchester, formally Harchester Polytechnic, featured in 3 episodes in Season 1.


Noah Langham was a student in the 1997-98 term. Getting to visit Noah in his surroundings allows Zoe Baker an insight into university life, which she is due to take up this coming year. Zoe feels on the same wavelength as Noah, sharing educational interests to the point where she thinks she has found the perfect boyfriend. Though she doesn't listen to her gut instinct when another girl turns up at Noah's door, apparently because he is lending her notes.


Sean Hocknell is able to sniff out a rat however, and knowing that Noah is a little too perfect, spots him romancing another girl. Determined to show Zoe the truth, Sean makes Vincent keep lookout on Noah's room while he fetches Zoe for she to catch him with this girl. Vincent, however, is distracted by another student and while he is off with her, Noah's girl leaves and the only woman Zoe finds is Noah's mother visiting from Australia!


Eventually, Zoe discovers the truth of Noah's womanising ways, and standing at his door leaves him with a knee to the groin.

1.18 (clip): Grounds


1.31: Vincent and Sean stakeout Noah


University of Harchester appearances

1.18 (#18) Wednesday 10th December 1997

University grounds, walkway, Noah's room


1.31 (#31) Tuesday 27th January 1998

University grounds, corridor, Noah's room


One further unknown episode before 1.38