Season 9 Episode 30
Episode 386
Sky One Transmission Date:
Sunday 7th May 2006
Directed By
Maurice Hutchinson

A vote for Ryan...

Rose brothers reformed

Lynda, Burrows

Even from the grave, the owner continues to make Lynda suffer
GS: DCI Burrows (Matthew Dennison) DC Jameson (Ward Parry) Joan Solomon (Biddy Wells)
The club holds a memorial service for Casper, in which a guilt-ridden Alex asks how well any of them really knew Cass. Eugene takes his place at the stand, as Ryan enters the room and Eugene yells accusing him of killing Casper over the match fixing. Lynda reminds Eugene how Ryan couldn't have been responsible as he was with Sully at the time. She gets onto how there's no-one in charge now Duval has quit. Eugene asks Lynda couldn't she just do it, and Lynda nearly falls off her chair in delight. Alex goes into the dressing room, where disgusted with himself, prepares to scrub himself clean. He is spooked by Ashleigh sitting silently behind him, and whispers that she thinks she killed Cass. Alex listens intently as Ash says she thinks there's something there but just can't remember it. This worries Alex, and he tells her to take some time off. Ashleigh is scared she is being fired, and confides in Ryan, deciding she has to drink to try and remember what happened on the day.
As Alex is drying off, his ink-stained shirt falls out of his sports bag, explaining he has been unable to dispose of it. They go to a wooded area where Lynda pours petrol over his clothing before watching it burn. Alex learns from Burrows that they are investigating Eugene's story in relation to how he found Casper's body. Burrows informs Alex that Duval has filled them in on what was going on in the Birdman photos, and puts forward his theory that Eugene wouldn't want the story to come out what with his hopes for Germany, and then to learn it was his brother behind it all. That night, Alex and Eugene sit in his house, discussing the position they are now in as brothers. Alex tells Eugene that his father knew, and how he feels for him, knowing that Alex's mom had cheated on him. The two men toast to now seeing each other as family. Ryan announces that his ban has been officially lifted. The lads cheer but Eugene promises Ryan he has played his last game for the club.
Burrows tells Lynda and Alex he'd like Eugene to take part in a televised appeal to help the investigation. Alex is not happy, as Eugene has three more games to prepare for, but Burrows makes it clear that they do not have a choice in this. Alex storms down to the dressing room where the team have gathered, and Chloe spells out Eugene's terms to Alex - that Ryan doesn't train with the team again and will be sold at the earliest opportunity. Danny steps in and tells Eugene they need Ryan for the next games, so if he is asking him to go, he is asking the rest of the team to go. The team follow Danny, and Eugene turns on both Alex and Chloe before Burrows shows up, now more convinced than ever that Eugene has something to hide. Eugene tells Lynda he wants to do the appeal, but Lynda talks him out of it, as Alex is convinced the police are using it to trap Gene, and says she will do it herself.
Lynda does the appeal, and as scenes of Casper playing as a boy are shown, Lynda has to leave to be sick. After Burrows spots she and Alex kiss, he thinks he's got it sussed and points out the parallels of this case to that of Prashant Dattani, and Lynda is his prime suspect. After the team leave for Manchester, Burrows goes in on Amy, and demands to know Lynda's password for which she used to communicate with the owner. In the away dressing room, Amy calls to tip Alex off that the police think Lynda killed Cass. Alex tries to get in touch with her, only Lynda has left her phone while she has a bath. Ashleigh puts Eugene in his place over his right to call himself Casper's brother after the way he has behaved. Burrows comes knocking on Lynda’s door, and reveals he knows she is pregnant by Alex, remarking how 50% of Harchester United was just what she always wanted. Lynda is taken down the station for questioning, and Burrows points out that from speaking to Duval they have learnt she knew that Casper was the owner the day before the will was read, and that she would have known he and Alex were related before Alex himself. Lynda realises she is now in serious trouble.
The Best: Hector suggesting to Ashleigh, after her handling of Eugene and Ryan’s away dressing room brawl, that she is good enough to take the England manager's job. The team’s run by the canal as they hold a vote as to whether they should let Ryan back into the squad again.
Quotes: Chloe to Eugene (on Lynda): "You do know what you've signed here, the stupidest woman in football gets her job back"
Continuity: Ashleigh questions Ryan could someone kill even if they didn't think they were capable? Ryan replies given the right circumstances i.e. referring to his own experience of killing Steve (7.5 The Call Up). Lynda tells Alex she's been where he is, as she confessed, but it didn't bring back the man she killed (5.14 Judgement Day). More scenes from 9.11 War Of The Roses are shown (Conor Maynard as Child Casper).
What Was The Score?: Harchester beat Wigan 2-0 with goals from Eugene (dedicated to Casper) and Tyson. A pass from Liam sends Harchester 1-up from Man City with a goal from Ryan.
Soundtrack: Orson: “No Tomorrow”, The Flaming Lips: "The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song", The Strokes: "Juicebox"
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