Season 3 Episode 33

Episode 173


Sky One Transmission Date:

Tuesday 8th February 2000


Written By

Jane Hewland


Directed By

Judith Dine


Jerry, Marilyn



Lynda, Maxine, Marilyn



Scott, Ann, school kids


Marilyn arrives for breakfast at The Grange to find Michael, Ann and Ray have seen her splashed across the paper for sleeping with Luis. Embarrassed, she runs out of the room. Ray goes after her and Marilyn doesn't know how she will face people. Jerry thinks his problems end at what the broadsheets are saying about his finances, until Lynda hands him today's paper. Ray drives Marilyn in to the club, and outside a flurry of press surround her as she pushes through. Marilyn makes Jerry retract his view that she could be the leak now she's been smeared herself, and makes him agree to selling her the shares.


Gordon has been set the task of discovering who the mole leaking the stories(!) is, and Marilyn reveals to him that only she, Luis and Ray knew about today's story. Gordon is surprised to hear Ray knew, and susses from Marilyn's reaction that the story is indeed true. Marilyn takes a call from Kitty who is unable to reach Ray, and has to venture once more into the dressing room where she is the hot topic of the lads discussion, to inform Ray that Kitty has gone into labour. As he leaves to make the drive, Ray remarks to Marilyn that maybe the story isn't part of the club leaks, and someone else who saw she and Luis went to the press off their own back. Marilyn suddenly remembers Lynda.


Wes confirms to Kelly he is serious about being with her and the two kiss again. Marilyn pays Lynda a visit where she accuses her of being behind the leak, not just she and Luis, but Jerry’s finances, and Eddie and Scott. Marilyn accuses Lynda of ruining her reputation all because she was jealous they'd slept with the same man. Maxine comes out and lays into Marilyn, over how she couldn't believe a “drop-dead gorgeous footballer” like Luis would ever want to be with someone like her, with her “dodgy hair-do and naff dress-sense!” Marilyn leaves, more upset at Maxine's harsh words.


Marilyn goes to Jerry and says she is taking a two-week holiday to allow all this to blow over, and when she gets back he will have signed the papers for her shares over to her. Ann is proud with how things are shaping up for Scott, as today’s school visit went well. Michael appears and Ann realises she missed his appointment. Michael accuses Ann of not seeming interested that they are supposed to be getting married.




The Best: Eddie thinking Marilyn's press picture makes her look like Geri Halliwell. Gordon’s suggestion that the press coverage could do Marilyn some good career-wise, like Monica Lewinsky! Scott's football game with the school kids.


·          Quotes: Lynda (on finding her on the doorstep): "Marilyn..." Marilyn: "Yep. Sharon Stone of Harchester apparently!"


Continuity: Maxine questions Lynda over why she is sleeping in the spare room, and Lynda bluffs that she's been having nightmares about the shooting. Kelly approaches Wes about their kiss, wanting to know where they stand as she's been messed around before i.e. Fletch.


·          Soundtrack: Shed Seven: "Getting Better",  The Lightening Seeds: “Life of Riley”


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