DT Locations: Snooker Hall



The snooker hall was the hangout of Harchester United's youth teamers in 1997, presumably at the times Studs was closed and where they were also able to get under-age beers as shown by Warren Masters's pint.


It is where Warren invites Sean and Vincent to a Drum and Bass night at Studs, instead of their curfewed early night, which leads to them staying out until early the next morning before a match with West Ham's youth.


Sean knows how to cheat the table to release the balls, and complaining about their finances thanks to Jacobs, Sean wants to take on another table and win some dough. The other players wipe the floor with Sean and Vincent.

1.3: Vincent, Warren and Sean at the snooker hall


Snooker Hall appearances in Dream Team

1.3 (#3) Tuesday 21st October 1997

1.7 (#7) Tuesday 4th November 1997