S1-5 Guest Characters>> Dave Plumber (Dean Bardini)


3.8 (148)  -  3.11 (151)  |  1999



Long-time friend of Wes Kingsley, and probably his biggest fan. Brings all of Wes's possessions up from London after he has signed from Leyton Orient, and is very proud his friend has moved up to the Premier League. Wes invites Dave to hang around, and he often turns up to gatherings involving the team, where Dave notices that Scott Lucas is being a jerk to Wes. Ray Wyatt believes Dave's presence is a distraction to Wes fitting in and bonding with his team mates, so drops a story about how a team mate of his own failed to make it as a pro because he spent all his time with a friend outside the club, which sends Dave on his way.