Season 3 Episode 40

Episode 180


Sky One Transmission Date:

Thursday 2nd March 2000


Written By

Billy Hamon


Directed By

Anne Owen


Ray, Billy






Kelly, Ann, Billy

GS: Doctor Bradley (James Richardson)  Hospital Consultant (Alex Caan)


Ray confides in Didier how he’s adjusting from a coach to manager and all that comes with it, when he also feels he should be in Devon with his wife and baby. Didier refers to Wes's confidence improvement since he first arrived, and says with time Ray will be the same. A hungover Billy wakes Wes for training, but Wes is having trouble getting out of bed. Billy makes it into training alone, while Wes stumbles around the flat, unable to hold himself up. Scott struts into the dressing room looking the best of the team, having asked Ann to move in with him. Ray makes it clear to the mostly hungover team that even without him being Gordon he won't tolerate slacking.


Jerry tells Maxine he thinks Lynda is having a nervous breakdown when she yelled at him to stay away from her. Maxine says she'll help but needs to know what she is doing about a job and a place of her own. Jerry assures her that she doesn't need any of that as he will look after her here - which is music to Maxine's ears! Kelly helps Ann move her things into Scott's flat, and Ann is looking forward to not working from the hotel anymore. Ray gets Terry to phone Wes at the flat but as he answers the phone Wes collapses to the floor unconscious. Maxine starts to make Lynda doubt her suspicions of Jerry, telling her how far-fetched it all sounds. Billy arrives back at the flat and finds Wes sprawled on the floor, and calls an ambulance.


At the hospital Doctor Bradley tells Ray they are examining Wes for blood clots, heart attack or stroke. Bradley adds that if Wes is clear of all these there is one other condition - Meningitis. Scott arrives home and tells Ann when he said she should move in he meant herself not her office. Bradley tells Ray he will have to see all of the team, as if Wes has Viral Meningitis then it could be contagious. Bradley also suggests talking to Leicester about calling tomorrow's game off. At a staff meeting Jerry is hesitant to announce anything about a Meningitis scare while it is still only that, especially if it involves postponing the Midlands Derby against Leicester. Bradley tells him with Viral the players could be out for 8-10 weeks, and Marilyn has the final say to postpone the game.


Kelly arrives at the hospital to be told by Billy that Wes is in an isolation room and being the closest to him will have to see the doctors. Kelly asks could Wes die and Billy cannot answer. Marilyn is concerned that Jerry is more concerned about not paying off the club's debt for two weeks than the safety of the players and fans, plus Wes's life. Billy and Kelly can only stand outside Wes's room and look through the window as he lies in a coma. Kelly cries as Billy holds her.




Best Known For: Alex Caan, here as the hospital consultant on Wes's case, has an athletics coaching career aside from acting, amongst which was appointed Britain's national event coach for the high jump in the run-up to the Olympic Games in 2012.


·          The Best: As Kelly cries to Ann that Wes may be contagious to those closest to him, Scott wipes his mouth, more concerned about being exposed by Kelly to what Wes has.


Quotes: Jerry yells (as Marilyn takes charge, announcing the game is off): "Bloody players!"


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