Season 1 Episode 26
Episode 26
Sky One Transmission Date:
Wednesday 7th January 1998
Written By
Danny McCahon
Directed By
Nigel Miller

Dean, Des, Lynette

Georgina, Dean

Trudi, Sean


Jacobs, Georgina
GS: Trudi Peyton (Shelly Minto)
Early the next morning Lynette is shocked to find Dean in the Bakers' kitchen, having not returned to the flat since last night's revelations. He tells her he knows he's screwed everything up, his career and now the prospect of marrying Lucy. As journalists phone the Baker's house looking for Dean, an excited Sean reminds Des that he is due to take him on a driving lesson, which Des is not looking forward to. In his office, an irate Jacobs is talking damage limitation - he will sue whichever paper prints the sextape story first, not before he sacks Hocknell. Des is annoyed that Lynette is going over to the Jacobs' to try and help the situation, and believes Michael's family matters shouldn't involve her.
Georgina thinks her dad has Lynette working on a Sunday when she turns up at the house, and Lynette learns Georgina has been at her gran’s so doesn't know about the story. Georgina is shocked to learn there's copies of the tape everywhere. Michael comes home to find Lynette supporting Georgina, but doesn't go easy on his daughter, throwing his money at her and suggesting she go off with the rest of the first team if she hasn't already! Lynette asks Michael to remember that Georgina is young, and reminds him of what he told her of his dad, and the support he was when Michael lost his playing career with Harchester. He now needs to do the same for his daughter. This seems to get through to Jacobs, and he admits to Lynette that he wishes she was Georgina's mother.
When she can't get through to Dean on the phone, which he has left off the hook, Georgina decides to go to the flat herself. Lucy is home, and insists she show the uncomfortable Georgina round the flat as she is one of their first visitors. Now knowing Dean is not in, Georgina goes to the bathroom to escape Lucy's awkward niceness, and while in there Dean arrives home. He forces himself to finally come clean to Lucy, who is in shock and demands to know who he was with on the tape when he tells her it doesn't matter who. When Georgina appears Dean is visibly shocked to see her, which gives Lucy the answer she is looking for. Des and Sean make it to outside the club with Sean in the driving seat, and Des feels like he has been put through some kind of trauma! Sean spots Trudi and is distracted once more.
Lucy lays into both Dean and Georgina, going off at Georgina for knowing she'd had her boyfriend while she was thinking of her as a friend. Lucy sees red when Georgina suggests if Lucy had been there for Dean he wouldn't have come to her. Lucy orders Dean and Georgina out of the flat, also slapping Dean. When they get home, Des suggests to Sean he use a driving instructor for his next lesson, while Sean gets a phone call from Trudi, and they arrange to meet up. Sean manages to drive the car out to meet Trudi, and is soon stoked to learn that they are going to do it there and then - after she's shown him a little trick from the Italians involving covering the car's windows with newspaper. Lucy tells Dean and Georgina that they are welcome to her flat because she is off. Dean tells Georgina to go but she pleads to speak with him later as she has something she needs to tell him.
Dean denies anything happened between he and Georgina at the flat, but has to tell Lucy about Georgina staying at the Digs one night a week after his debut. Lucy has heard more than she can take without her fiery locks turning into pure flames, and throws her engagement ring back at Dean. Trudi eventually gets her way with she and Sean both naked in the car. The noises outside worry Sean there is someone there, but they carry on unaware that the car has now been wheel-clamped. When Georgina gets home, Lynette watches as Michael hugs his upset daughter and tells her they can sort this out. As he sits alone in the flat, Dean replays his debut match and wishes he could go back to that night and change things.
The Best: Sean carrying his empty cereal bowl up to Des and bemoaning about the lack-of-service in the house. Dean trying to write Lucy a letter explaining himself, but all he can write down is "I Love You". Kate Farrah really goes to town on Lucy’s fantastic fury, with more to come between she and Georgina. Credit to David Hunt also, for probably the only time we get to see Jacobs' vulnerable side as he feels he has failed his daughter.
Quotes: Lucy, confronting Dean and Georgina is given some fiery gems of dialogue: (to Dean): "And you took her back to the club, to the scene of your triumph and you had her on the boardroom table?" (to Georgina): "So you seduced him? You took Dean to daddy's club, you took MY boyfriend and you had him?!" followed by (to Georgina): "What do you mean when he needed me?! How dare you! Don't accuse me when you're the tart!". And later, in a tone like Sméagol from Lord of the Rings: "Did you do it at the Digs hmmm? In your single bed?!"
Foreshadowing: Georgina is needing to tell Dean something sensitive, likely she knows she is pregnant with his baby.
Continuity: Lynette refers to how Jacobs went off the rails after Harchester “rejected him as a player”, but it was his dad's support that got him through. In Harchester time, this would have been Michael’s struggle to return to form, after breaking his leg on his debut under manager Harry Sidwell in December 1975. Sean asks Trudi about having a husband, as mentioned in 1.5, to which she replies he'll be joining them soon! But then laughs at him for being gullible.
Additional Info: When going out to practice, Des is even more enthused to learn that the only driving experience Sean has is a go on his dad's car on an airfield when he was fifteen.
Soundtrack: Oasis: “Stand By Me”, Monaco: “What Do You Want From Me”, Radiohead: “Creep.”
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