Season 3 Episode 15

Episode 155


Sky One Transmission Date:

Tuesday 9th November 1999


Written By

Ian Ridley


Directed By

Ric Mellis


Jerry, Jimmy, Kelly



Michael, team snapped



Pre-Hankin journo



Billy, Wes



Luis, Ray

GS: Jimmy Sanders (Gordon Cameron)  Reporter (Nicolas Sagalle)


The team bemoan another poor performance after a home loss to Villa. With the working relationship between the team remaining dire, Luis makes it clear they will not leave the dressing room until they've sorted this division between them, and goes to Michael first as he is his captain. Instead of accommodating Jimmy Sanders, Dream Inc.'s visiting agent at the match, Marilyn is seeing Lynda at the Blocks' mansion, having to show I.D to the guarding police officers on the way in. Lynda tells her she is haunted that a professional hit on her got John killed, and thinks of his poor family. She then questions Marilyn if she herself knows something, as D.I. Dawson believes Jerry knows who the killer was. Michael gives his take that Ray wouldn't have chosen him to be captain, and the rest of the team know this.


Kelly informs Jerry the room of press have been waiting for Luis to do his post-match conference, so he sends Zena to the dressing room to find out what's going on. At Eddie's turn he says he deserves more of a chance, before adding he thinks Scott should be captain! When Scott professes that nobody has offered anything honest at the team's airing, he gets his chance, and doesn't hold back. While Wes's lack-of-ability gets a predictable bashing, Scott saves his tongue-lashing for Michael, until it has boiled down to the class-barrier between the two. Michael lunges for Scott once again, and the team scramble to hold the two back, as Jerry walks into the dressing room to witness the scene, followed by a photographer who gets several good shots of the team's brawl.


Luis refuses to back down to Jerry and makes it clear the team's airings are more important than the press conference. Marilyn makes it clear to Lynda that if she thought Jerry had been involved in anything criminal she would resign. She points out the shooting might not have been connected to Jerry's businesses, as nothing like this has ever happened before, so maybe it was personal. Lynda doesn't believe Jerry is into a full-on affair, as when he strays it's usually high-class hookers i.e. his "Takeaway tarts". But then Lynda remembers she and Luis. When it is Wes's turn to speak, he acknowledges he has come to the Premier League from a small club, but suggests they stop playing as two teams in order to gel, being kinder to themselves.


Jerry has to take the press conference, where Marilyn's journalist from the other week brings up the police investigation to the point where Jerry is rattled. He angrily ends the conference saying it is a tacky intrusion while the club is still grieving. Billy's time begins with him calling Scott out, on how they don’t need arrogant players from bigger clubs strutting around the place. Billy talks of the thing that is hurting the team the most - the tragedy that is holding onto them. He wants to stop hurting now so it's time for the team to help each other and stop ripping each other apart. The team, including Scott, applaud Billy's words. Jerry gets home, and once Lynda is out of the way, makes sure Marilyn hasn't said anything to Lynda about the banks. Marilyn hasn't, but warns Jerry he should tell Lynda she may be about to lose her lap of luxury.


Luis gives his closing speech, on how his commitment was giving up a move to Real Madrid for this team, can any of them say they made such a sacrifice. But together they can turn this small city club into a big successful team. Everything they have said today they will let go inside a paper bag Luis burns. After the team have left, it is only Wes and Billy who remain, and Wes praises Billy for being the one who has brought the team back together. Billy says Ray and the gaffer still need to do something about the squabbling for today to have been a success, and they need someone like John Black who would have knocked a few heads together. Luis and Ray mull over today's events, and Ray knows the way forward - the dressing room is not big enough for Scott and Michael. One will have to go and Luis needs to sort it fast.




Best Known For: Director Ric Mellis oversaw more than 40 episodes of “Coronation Street” (1984-88), 30+ episodes of “Emmerdale” (1991-93), “Hollyoaks” during its first year and produced “Brookside” in 1997.


·          The Best: Scott’s standing addressment to the sitting lads on how Michael can't connect with the blue-collar players because he's an English teacher. Performed almost as if Luke Mably was on the stage. Billy’s assessment on the team’s tragedy, on how they lifted the FA Cup but lost their captain, followed by his best mate who he misses dearly.


Quotes: Scott (to Michael): "You're supposed to give some kind of leadership aren't you? You couldn't lead sheep... [to Ray] Actually you'd know about that wouldn't you... being a farmer?!"


·          Continuity: Billy challenges Scott with how teams win matches not individuals, which was one of the first things he learned in the youth team.


Additional Info: Sanders tells Jerry if Dream Inc drop Harchester they lose £1M a year, so Jerry brainstorms getting Mr. Yoshimoto to the Rangers game to show him the club are still winners.


·          What Was The Score?: Aston Villa win 2-0 away at The Dragon’s Lair, with goals from Dublin and Joachim.


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