Season 3 Episode 45

Episode 185


Sky One Transmission Date:

Tuesday 21st March 2000


Written By

Paul Hodson


Directed By

Craig Lines


Marilyn, Lynda



Andy Ansah, Jerry, Marilyn, Luis



Marilyn, Ray

GS: D.I. Dawson (Eddie O’Connell)


Billy hears the radio announce he is rumoured to be leaving for Everton for a fee of £3M. He is shocked, but Wes knows Jeff is obviously behind it. Jerry finds Maxine has packed to leave, and sinisterly once more, says she doesn't know whether she'd be able to keep her hands off Jerry! Jerry responds with who knows how they will feel once this is over, and persuades a smug Maxine to stay with how he needs her. Lynda meets with Marilyn about taking up her role as a director within the club. Marilyn surprises Lynda with the fact that she owns 15% of shares, which Jerry never informed her about. Lynda thinks she will have to sell her shares because Jerry has now stopped all of her cards.


Luis pays Ray a visit as he sits behind the manager's desk, and informs him he officially resigned this morning, but will continue playing as he focuses on making the World Cup. Luis tells Ray he was born for the manager's role here. Marilyn tells Lynda she wouldn't get as much for her shares now as she would have last season, but knows someone who would pay her a million pounds for them. Lynda is impressed with this price. They pull up at the club but Lynda finds her phone won't ring Luis to pay for the taxi, and she realises Jerry has got to that too.


Luis enters the dressing room to cheers from the lads, but before he can properly address them Jerry has entered behind him. Jerry announces to the team that Luis has decided he “no longer wants to be manager so they are seeking an adequate replacement”. Jerry then goes one step further by revealing he and Lynda are separating, but contrary to other accounts they may hear, it is amicable. Jerry leaves to encounter Lynda in the tunnel, where she throws her mobile phone and credit cards at him, yelling as the team exit the dressing room to witness that he may have tried to kill Luis but she is going to make sure she finishes Jerry.


As Jerry is instructing Marilyn to see to it that Lynda is banned from club premises, he notices Prash sitting in the office. Prash announces he's come to offer to take over the club's debts. When Prash reveals not only has he bought shares from Jack Fellows, but Marilyn informed him about the club's problems, Jerry explodes at her, adding the club is the last thing he has got and nobody is going to take it away from him. When Jerry is told there'd be no way they could afford his drawn-up list of potential managers, Marilyn puts forward Ray as the lads respect him and he'd cost them no more. Jerry is susceptible, but less to Prash's offer, saying it would only take one default and the club would be his.


Marilyn talks terms with Ray, who says he's spoken with Kitty and she advised him not to turn it down, so he accepts the job as manager. Lynda and Luis sit before D.I. Dawson, who once again says they can't proceed any further without solid evidence. Dawson says Jerry would have to confess on a taped recording, which Lynda says she will take part in. When Marilyn tells him Jerry won’t do business, Prash says he's going to have to go about it the hard way - with Lynda's shares. Lynda will make her attempt for Jerry to confess during the home leg of the Parma game.




The Best: Ray officially becoming manager, with the backing of Luis and Marilyn.


·          Logic: Following her tirade with Jerry in the tunnel, Lynda runs in the actual direction of the watching players and out to the pitch, rather than the less humiliating direction she came. Maybe she was trying to avoid the taxi driver out front she couldn't pay?


Additional Info: Lynda mentions she's been married to Jerry for five years.


·          Soundtrack: U2: "The Sweetest Thing"


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