D.I. Dawson (Eddie O’Connell) 1999-2000

Duration: 141 (3.1), 147 (3.7), 153 (3.13) - 154 (3.14), 162 (3.22), 168 (3.28) - 169 (3.29), 178 (3.38) - 179 (3.39), 185 (3.45) - 187 (3.47), 193 (3.53)



D.I. Dawson was appointed head of the police investigation into the Wembley shootings a few months after the event as the case had stalled. He immediately accepted that either Jerry or Lynda was key to the case, as both shots had been fired in Lynda’s direction. A short time later, he is leading a team that searches both the club and the Block’s home for any files that would link Jerry to the shooting, and lets the chairman know he believes the gunman was somebody he got on the wrong side of. For a brief time, Jerry’s fear of being found out gets a reprieve when he steals five-hundred-thousand pounds of club money to fully pay off assassin Mr MacKinley, and frames Councillor Lal for being the recipitant of this bribe after he had hired the hitman to kill Lynda.


Lynda herself had long suspected Jerry knew who the shooter was, and when she learns from sister Maxine that Jerry said he wouldn’t miss the next time she takes up with a footballer, Lynda takes her fears to Dawson. Dawson says Jerry would have to confess on a taped recording for this statement to have weight, which Lynda says she will do at the UEFA Cup Palma game at the Lair. Lynda goads Jerry until he reaches the end of his tether, and in the cheer and noise of the crowd celebrating a Harchester-winning goal, Jerry admits to Lynda he did the Wembley shooting. Lynda thinks they have got Jerry, for Dawson to tell she and Luis the noise of the crowd completely eclipsed any answer given by Jerry.


When Jerry suddenly disappears and Lynda takes his place at the club, Dawson believes she discovered something and Jerry made a deal with her, knowing he's been located in South America. Having forced Jerry to give up his club and sent off in exile, all Lynda will say is that Jerry was scared and still loved her which explained the giving of the house and club. With Jerry remaining in Rio, and Lynda having had her justice, Dawson can take the case no further but holds the conclusion that Jerry was behind it all.