DT Locations: 94 Gatesgill Tower



94 Gatesgill Tower was a flat lived in by Mandy Burley, her baby Kayleigh, stepson Warren Masters, and when he was out of prison, their father Kenny Masters. It featured in 10 episodes during Season 1 in 1997-98.


Warren is released from a young offenders' into the Harchester United youth team. When Kenny rocks up to see him he meets Mandy and she becomes pregnant. Kenny has always been trouble and it isn't long before he is sentenced to three years in prison. To support Mandy and his baby sister, Warren moves from his digs at the Baker house into her flat at Gatesgill Tower.


Warren has trouble of his own. The flat is frequently visited by his probation officer Brenda in the run-up to his court case for assaulting pub doorman Doug Hastings when he was violent with a woman and Warren came to her aid. Frank Patcham gets through to Warren that the toughest thing he can do is not with his fists, but to apologise, which he knows he can do. Through this, Brenda approaches Frank about speaking up for Warren in court, though Warren warns Mandy before they leave not to wear her 'hot' watch in court.


The more time Warren and Mandy spend together, Warren develops deeper feelings for her, and after he cannot hide his jealousy of her chatting to other men when out in Studs, Mandy gets it out of him that he wants to be with her. Mandy tells Warren it's OK and they begin seeing each other in secret, but Warren is confused in his loyalty to his dad and moves into another flat with Conor at Featherstone House. Frank convinces Mandy she has to do the right thing as the situation is messing with Warren's head, so after a return from Kenny she decides to get away.

1.8: Kitchen



1.10: Mandy, Warren and Brenda on outside landing




94 Gatesgill Tower appearances

1.5 (#5)  Tuesday 28th October 1997

Living room, outside


1.6 (#6)  Wednesday 29th October 1997

Living room


1.7 (#7)  Tuesday 4th November 1997

Living room


1.8 (#8)  Wednesday 5th November 1997



1.10 (#10)  Wednesday 12th November 1997

Outside landing, hall, kitchen, living room


1.14 (#14)  Wednesday 26th November 1997

Outside landing


1.19 (#19)  Tuesday 16th December 1997

Mandy’s room


1.20 (#20)  Wednesday 17th December 1997

Living room


1.25 (#25)  Tuesday 6th January 1998



1.38 (#38)  Wednesday 18th February 1998

Mandy’s room