Season 1 Episode 38

Episode 38


Sky One Transmission Date:

Wednesday 18th February 1998


Written By

Chris Fewtrell, Zeddy Lawrence


Directed By

Andy Richards


Sean, Trudi



Zoe, Des, Sean



Frank, Mandy






Conor, Frank



Dean, Lucy

GS: Mandy Burley (Annelies Lovell)  Trudi Peyton (Shelly Minto)


Harchester take on Arsenal today in the Fifth Round of the FA Cup home at Addison Road. Mandy awakes to find Warren is not in the flat after they got together again last night. Lucy is moving back into the flat today, and Fletch helps carry her boxes. Lucy gets a shock when she opens the door and finds Sean and Trudi in her bed! Sean awkwardly explains how Dean said they could use the flat while it was empty, but Lucy is having none of it and yells at them to get dressed and out.


Ian goes round to Frank's looking for Conor, and says he wants to draft Conor in for today's match. Frank is dead against the idea, as Conor wouldn't stand a chance up against the likes of Tony Adams or Lee Dixon. Frank suggests Sean would be a better fit as he has reserve team experience, but Ian isn't interested. Zoe tells Sean she is writing a letter to the Harchester Chronicle in support of Vincent, but Sean tells her there's no point in doing so as he's admitted he did take the drugs. Zoe is sympathetic, and reminds Sean if Vincent has got a real problem he is going to need his friends to support him.


Frank goes to the Bakers' to tell Conor the news. Both he and Des are excited, but Frank, still secretly unhappy, makes sure to add Conor not need to fear the Arsenal boys as they are just human and all had to make their debuts once. Sean is getting ready to go to the game, when Vincent comes in. Sean apologises for how he reacted yesterday, and he should have been more supportive as his best mate. Vincent adds he has got it wrong himself, for if there was anyone he should have been honest with it was Sean. Sean tells Vincent he doesn't want him to go, but Vincent says it doesn't look like he has much choice. Conor tells Zoe he is playing in the Arsenal match today and as it's too late for his parents to come over would she and Des come along. Zoe reminds him she isn't a big football fan, but agrees to go and support Conor when she sees how nervous he is about today.


Mandy finds Conor and asks if he's seen Warren, and when he says not since last night she tells him she thinks Warren’s done a runner. As they make their way down Addison Road, Sean is carrying an oddly-shaped carrier bag and Des asks what's inside, to which Sean pretends he is looking out for Conor by bringing him the shin-pads he forgot. When he gets inside the dressing room however, Sean hides what we now see is a woman's handbag on the peg where Conor will be sitting. As Conor warms up with Dean, they hear Zoe call to them and Dean remarks he never thought he'd see Zoe at the ground.


In the dressing room, Coates has a word with Conor, saying if he gets on he wants him to prove he's a man, and to show the hardened Arsenal players that he can give back as good as he gets. Conor then takes down his kit and reveals the handbag to the hilarity of his team mates. Vincent meanwhile has packed his football boots and pushes his keys through the letterbox of the Baker house, walking away carrying his suitcases. As Frank reveals to a bitter Sean how he recommended him to Coates for this game instead of Conor, Dean finally scores. Frank meets with Mandy at half time, and tells her he knows something has gone on with her and Warren. He says this is messing Warren up inside, due to his loyalty to his dad and Mandy has to do the right thing for Warren.


As Bergkamp misses a shot just wide, Vincent pays one last visit to Addison Road, before walking away for the last time. When Adams (for Harchester) takes a second hit to the same knee, physio Brian has him stretchered off, and Conor is on, with Coates's hard words ringing in his ear. Conor makes his first play for the ball, and in doing so hits Ian Wright from behind, leaving him on the ground. The referee flashes his red and Conor is off only seconds after coming on, and the watching Des and Zoe are in shock. Conor sits alone in the dressing room sobbing and Frank comes to see him. Frank says that wasn't him out there, and Conor explains he was just doing what Coates told him to. Frank tells him not to worry what everyone else will say, as they made mistakes themselves, but the most important thing is that Conor learns from this.


Harchester have won and progress to the next round, and Dean is interviewed by Sky Sports about his impending loan move to Italy. Afterwards he stops to talk with Lucy, and says he’s heading off so quickly as there's not much for him to hang around for now, i.e. her. He tells Lucy he really never wanted to hurt her, and she even accepts a goodbye kiss from Dean, adding there's no point in them hacking away at each other now. As they sit watching the draw for the next FA Cup Tie, Sean winds up the guilt-consumed Conor until he lunges at him. Sean goes upstairs to tell Vincent he has missed Conor's Mike Tyson impression, only to discover the room dark and an empty wardrobe, and Sean knows his best friend is gone.




Last appearance of Vincent Osamabiku (Michael Price). Darren Morfitt takes a break from the series (he was most likely filming the ITV series “Grafters” which went to air in October 1998) as Dean goes off on loan to Italy. He is back in 1.48.


The Best: Frank looking out for, and his advice to Conor after his disastrous game. Also with Warren even when not knowing where he is. Dean and Lucy calling a truce. Sean’s guilt at feeling he’d let Vincent down, and Vincent quietly departing without saying goodbye to anyone. Sean discovering Vincent had left hours earlier, while he’d wasted the day teasing Conor.


Quotes: Lucy (standing above Sean and Trudi in her bed): "So I'd appreciate it if you'd get up and get out - physio's finished for this morning!".  Zoe (shows her inexperience of football stadium layouts… and managers): [on Conor] "Well I can't see him... is he behind the man with the glasses?"  Des: "No that's Arsène Wenger! Conor's in the other hut, I mean dugout!".  Sean does what he does best in winding up Conor: "Hatchet-Boy here nearly takes someone's leg off and you're all over him. I make a witty conversation and you give me stick. Better off giving it to Ian Wright - he probably needs one now!".


Foreshadowing: Harchester Sound FM Sports reports Dean Sturridge could be on his way to the Dragons.


Additional Info: The same radio reports on top of Karl Fletcher's suspension, a flu bug has taken over the club, and Dean is mentioned as a definite for today’s game. Coates tells Frank "Tommo" [Wheeldon Jr] has pulled a hamstring playing snooker at the club, likely on one of his call-ups from the youth team as mentioned in 1.55.


What Was The Score?: After missing two opportunities to score the opening goal of the game, the briefly-departing Dean sends Harchester up 1-0 in stoppage time at the end of the first half, causing an FA Cup upset for Arsenal. The Dragons will play West Ham in the next round in March.


Soundtrack: No Doubt: "Don't Speak"


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