Duration: Episode |
Duration: Season |
Year(s) |
Sam Patterson | 204, 206, 223 | 4.2, 4.4, 4.21 | 2000, 2001 | Son of Ann Patterson and Scott Lucas. Shortly after his birth, Ann takes him to live in her hometown of Bristol. |
Saul Hershman (Michael Sheldon) |
2001 |
Saul is the club's lawyer who gets involved when Monday Bandele cannot play for Harchester unless he obtains a Visa which must be sorted from outside the UK. He and Lynda attend a meeting with the bank, where they learn Prash is withdrawing his overdraft. Saul recommends Lynda sell to Prash, otherwise he could take this to the press with how she is harming the club by refusing the funds he would bring. |
Social Worker (Bindya Solanki) |
2001 |
Investigates when press reports question how Tash and Jamie Parker have acquired a baby boy. Tash explains they are only looking after baby Timmy for a friend of Andrei, and luckily for them the baby's mother returns following further payment to take him away again. |
Studs Bar Manager (Fenton Gee) |
2001 - 2002 |
Behind the bar when Fletch is on a downward spiral following being charged with Prashant Dattani's murder, and is picking fights with other punters. Phones Jamie and Tash to bring him home. Is on duty for Jamie's 25th birthday party a short time later, and co-ordinates Harchester's Christmas party held at the Mill Lane training ground. |