
Deano (Aston Kelly) 2006-2007
Duration: EP: 388 - 390, 392, 395, 398 - 399, 408 - 409, 416 – 419
SE: 10.1 - 10.3, 10.5, 10.8, 10.11 - 10.12, 10.21 - 10.22, 10.29 - 10.32
Deano and mate Phil met Jason Porter at a five-a-side game in their mid-teens. In his earlier years, Jason had been in Harchester United's academy, and Deano and Phil shared his love of the Dragons, with Jason's girlfriend Katy Irwin completing the quartet of friends. The four attended every game home and away, there for the club's biggest moments, including Karl Fletcher's testimonial, Luke Davenport's hatrick debut and playing Barcelona. Deano works with Phil and Jason at the TopTyrez Tyre Bay and for the last pre-season game before the 2006-07 season, the friends travel to Roots Hall for Harchester's friendly against Southend. During the game, Jason's frustrations with Alex Rose get the better of him, and Alex tells him he's going on if he thinks he can do a better job. Jason slots in a goal which wins the match, but already Deano thinks he is getting too big for his boots, and sets him up on Harchester 104's weekly wind-up that Sam Allardyce wants him for a trial with Bolton!
Deano is soon left silenced when Alex shows up at the bay and offers Jason a month's trial for real. Deano joins Phil and Katy as they support Jason in a reserve team friendly with Orient, waving a 'Tyre Boy Forever' banner. Jimmy Craig offers Jason a first team contract, but when the time comes for him to make his debut, Jason's nerves get the better of him and he runs out, leading to a backlash from his team mates and the media. Unable to reveal the true reasons for his run-out, Jason drunkenly humourises the situation, and Deano is not impressed as Jason had been given every opportunity he wanted, and punches him in the stomach. When Jason gets a sponsorship for a car dealership, he rocks up at his old workplace in a brand new motor, to take Phil and Deano on a test drive. When they return, their boss knows they've been gone and sacks them. Jason feels guilty and allows Deano and Phil to move into his house at the Barrons, but is irritated when they begin hassling his team mates with their services for work, and tells them to move out.
For Jason's twentieth birthday, Deano comes up with the idea of getting Jason something he hasn't got in regard to the Dragon's - Fletch's FA Cup winning shirt that is up for bids. When Jason doesn't show up to his birthday drinks due to J.F's chewing gum death, Deano tells Katy Jason has changed and they don't have a friendship anymore. Jason knows he has a lot of making up to do, so recreates the old days where lottery tickets, a Chinese and XBox games could solve all their problems. When it is time for Jason and Katy's wedding, Jason's one-night stand with Emma is revealed, and out of respect of Katy's happiness, Deano and Phil decide not to say anything. Jason himself confesses as they stand at the alter, and fearing he has lost her forever, Deano reminds him how they promised they would always meet up for five-a-side, and go to play in their old playground.
When Jason is fired by the club after being framed as Dragonslayer, the anonymous blogger who is rallying against the club, Phil and Deano find it hard to believe, knowing Jason's love for the club. Eventually he is cleared and Jason is set to play in Harchester's historic title clash against Chelsea. In the second half, Jason gets off the bench and Deano is there to witness him take the score 2-1 and winning Harchester their first title in 21 years.