Duration: Episode |
Duration: Season |
Year(s) |
Card Player (Jon Samuel) |
2001 |
Betting associate of Jamie's whom he joins for a card game in the Studs back room having been dropped for the Shelbourne away tie. He ends up cleaning out Jamie, and Peggsy's Charlton appearance fee cheque which Jamie puts on the table. |
Charlie Gerard (Lloyd Martin) |
2001-2002 |
Lisa Gerard's son, who travels to Dublin for Harchester's UEFA Cup First Round Second Leg match against Shelbourne, and is starstruck to spot Danny in the park. Danny offers to let Charlie watch the team train at Tolka Park, as he and Lisa get to know each other and hook up again back in Harchester. However, the situation of Danny's fame bringing press intrusion into Lisa and Charlie's lives leads to Lisa breaking up with Danny, and not wanting to lose them, Danny commits to being a proper part of their lives. |
Clayton Richards (Zack Lane) |
1998-1999 |
Leon Richards's son with Clare Farrow. Leon took a second job in a fish market alongside his apprenticeship at Arsenal in order to make enough money to support Clayton and Clare, and was let go by Arsenal for underperforming due to tiredness. When at Harchester Leon at first keeps Clayton's existence a secret, and uses some of the money Billy took from Jerry Block to send to Clare. When Clare begins dating Leon's enemy, Alex Wilkinson, he threatens Clayton's safety in order to keep Leon quiet about Alex's bad activities. It's when Leon takes Clayton and disappears, even when he has been picked to play at the FA Cup final at Wembley, that everyone realises he is right about Alex. When Leon is killed in the plane crash the following season, Clare brings Clayton to visit Billy at the new stadium, and asks Billy to be his godfather when Clay is christened. |
Consultant (Daniel Isaacs) |
2000, 2001 |
Ann Patterson's consultant in her pregnancy, who diagnoses her of being in danger of preeclampsia due to the stress of single-handedly running her business. Is present when Ann goes into premature labour with Sam. Later tends to Lynda when she miscarries her baby. |
Councillor (Sandra Slinger) |
2001 |
Recommended by Ray to help Jamie with his gambling addiction and who also provides a partners-of-gamblers support group for Tash. |
Councillor (Mandy Fenton) |
2001 |
Working at the private Abbey clinic where Victoria Baptiste has checked into for alcoholism. Jamie uses his gambling addiction as a front to get in and fake his way through the Councillor's group therapy session in order to see Victoria about dropping her statement against Fletch. |
Councillor North (Peter Harding) |
2000-2001 |
Harchester United board member present as Prash hastily arranges a meeting over concerns following the club's 7-0 loss to Leeds. North is vocal that the blame for the club's woes lies with it's manager, and motions that Ray's contract be terminated, though Lynda finds a compromise that the board backs Ray for the upcoming Bradford game, which he wins so stays. He later again follows Prash's lead when obstructing Lynda's damage limitation of selling the freehold to the Lair, and thus, Lynda sacks him alongside the board. Prash and Victoria attempt to get North with his clout to complain about Lynda to the press, but he puts his respect for Lynda first, though she doesn't realise this when spotting him with the two. |
Court Clerk (Dickon Edwards) |
2001 |
Present at Fletch's trial for the murder of Prashant Dattani. |
CPS Solicitor (Suzy Cooper) |
2001 |
Appears on behalf of the prosecution to put forward the case that Fletch should be held in custody having been charged with Prash's murder, and not granted bail to play in Harchester's Champions League opener against Real Mallorca. Later presents the surprise statement that an eyewitness has placed Fletch at the murder scene. |